How To Transport Your Steel Building

Posted by Ben Sparhawk on Aug 29, 2024 1:08:12 PM

Do you have a steel building that needs to be moved? 


Maybe you've sold your property but want to take your building. Or, maybe you've purchased a building that needs to be moved off of someone else's property. 


No matter why you need a steel building moved, getting it done can feel daunting. 


But it doesn't have to be. Hopefully it gives you some peace of mind to hear that steel buildings are moved all the time.


It's pretty standard for steel buildings to be moved from one location to another for whatever reason. It's one of the perks of prefabricated steel buildings.  


One of the reasons why it's so common is because metal structures are designed in parts that are easy to remove from one another and put back together.


However, this is something that you should research before you attempt to do or even hire someone else to do. 


There's a lot of steps involved in preparing a prefabricated metal building for a move and getting it done correctly.


In the article below, we've compiled a few things to consider before you move your steel building from one place to another.



Table of Contents


Consider the Size of Your Structure

Steel buildings of different sizes will require different methods to ensure a successful relocation. 


If you have a smaller structure, like a small shop, that you need to move across your property, the transportation service, or moving company you're working with may opt to slide it instead of lift it to the new location.


Similar to towing a vehicle, your movers will place supports under the base of your building and pull it to its resting spot.


If your building type is larger or traveling a far distance, sliding isn't an option. 


Instead, your mover will likely lift the structure onto a trailer and transport with the trailer. 


You might think that to move your steel building, you have to take the entire thing apart, transport the pieces, and reconstruct it at the new property.


However, if you find a qualified structural mover, you might find that transporting the entire structure in one piece is doable, depending on its size and its design complexity.


If possible, this will save you time, energy, and sweat. 


Look for a mover who will discuss all of your options so you can choose what works best for your timeline and your budget.


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You need to be sure to use the right equipment to move your metal building

What Equipment Is Necessary to Move It?

If you're planning on moving the entire building, it's going to be necessary to use a steel framework that's temporary to provide some extra support. 


This is needed to ensure that everything stays in place during the moving process.


When the metal building is lifted, other materials are stacked underneath it like wood beams to bring it up to the right height. 


A flatbed truck is moved underneath the building, and the structure is placed on the back of the truck. 


The building should be kept level during this process so that it goes onto the truck smoothly.


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Provide Extra Support

Depending on the age and integrity of your steel building, you might need to take extra precautions during the move. 


For instance, if you're trying to move a metal building that has been serving as a barn for a few decades, it's probably rusted and breaking down in some parts due to weather damage.


To execute a safe and successful move for your steel building, you'll need to make sure everything is as tight as possible. 


You should also be sure to provide extra support in the form of a temporary steel framework or wooden supports like we mentioned above. 


If you aren't sure if your building relocation project warrants this kind of precaution, you should consult an inspector. 


Your inspector will be able to give you a clear idea of the shape your building is in, if it has experienced any weather damage, and suggest support measures to keep your structure safe during the delivery process.


Your inspector will also be able to let you know if there any specific building codes or county requirements for super loads where you live and where you're transporting to.


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Deconstruction Process

Now we need to talk about deconstructing a steel building to transport it. 


As we mentioned earlier, steel buildings are constructed in pieces so they can be taken apart in sections. 


This is a relatively straightforward process, but it must be done carefully so that it's done correctly.

  • You need to take down trim and accessories of the building
  • You need to remove the roof panels.
  • The wall panels need to be taken off.
  • Finally, you disassemble the frame.


The frames and all the extra materials can then be easily transported to a new location. 


Once they have arrived at their final destination, you will need to reverse the process of deconstruction to put it back together again. 


However, always be sure that you have a new foundation placed before you move the parts.


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Reconstruction Process

Once you've reversed the deconstruction process and gotten the building back together again, you need to do a thorough inspection of the building to ensure structural integrity. 


Check building components like the paint or coating to be sure it has not been removed from the panels.


This could cause some severe corrosion in the near future, depending on weather conditions. 


If there are any problems that you find, get them fixed as soon as possible.


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You are free to move your metal building

Get Moving

Moving your steel constructed building might seem like a big task. 


But, the reality is that steel buildings are safely and securely moved every day.


Finding a mover who will work with you to move your building in one piece and within your budget will make all the difference in your experience.  


With this simple guide, you now have a good idea of what it will take to make your move happen. If you're interested in affordable metal building solutions, contact our dedicated team at CDMG Metal Building Systems to learn more. We can offer you a custom design type of project if that's what you're on the market for, or more budget-friendly choices as well.


For more articles on metal buildings, follow the links below.

Topics: transport a steel building

About The Author

ben-sparhawkI'm Ben Sparhawk, the Content Writer and Marketing Account Manager for CDMG. I write to showcase the work that CDMG does and everything related to the pre-engineered metal building industry as well as their engineering capabilities. When I'm not working on content, you can find me spending time with my wife and children. You can also find me in the gym, trying to better myself, and I also enjoy spending time outdoors hiking or checking out local parks.